Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cluny needlepoint

Recently I won 2 tapestry canvases on Ebay for a fraction of their retail price but how to work them so that the fine detail shows has been a problem. I considered all sorts of options but have decided that the best way to do them is to use Paternayan and Elsa Williams yarn. I think the final product will look really good because of the ability to split the Paternayan wool. A difficulty is that both these yarns have been discontinued apparently so getting hold of the yarn is dicey. I have enough of the Elsa Williams to do the burgundy background and I am waiting on a response from a seller who may have the Paternayan. Fingers crossed.
Here are the unworked canvases - they include a lot of fine detail so I reckon they should keep me occupied for some time. I would love to see the original Cluny tapestries.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen them. They are at the Musee Des Ages Moyen in Paris - and they are wonderful - I had no idea just how wonderful. I am deeply jealous that you have these as I would love to have them to work and use in my place!!

